Staff Augmentation

Whether it is to fill an expert role or a lead role on a primarily internally-staffed project, a backfill for someone on leave, or for specialized needs that your current staff can’t handle, our experience is tops in the industry. If you need a full-time resource, part-time resource, remote resource, short or long-term resource, Titan can fulfill your needs.

Lots of firms can offer you SAP resources. So what makes Titan unique?

There is no shortcut for experience!

And that experience accounts for our team’s ability to properly understand your business and objectives and then vet our consultants to provide an ideal fit, not just another body.

We think of staffing as placing the right consultant in the right place at the right time. For SAP and related applications, not every solution requires a full team. Through our experience with supporting SAP customers, we find that it is the quality of the resources, not the number of resources that get the work done right.

Our clients have different goals, objectives, and responsibilities, therefore, we offer simple vehicles for achieving these. Staff augmentation assists you in getting over the hurdle of peak work cycles or not in-house skill sets. Service levels and performance are dictated by the client, and the consultant works under the supervision of the client manager. This model provides for more efficient and economical management of limited resources in our client’s workforce.

Project Management & Business Analysis

We offer the following Project Management & Business Analysis resources:
  • Program and Project Management
  • Business and Systems Analysis
  • Business Process Management
  • Change and Release Management
  • Documentation

Please note: If you are working with another implementation partner, Titan can provide independent resources for project audits.

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